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Saint-Laurent-du-Bois en Bazadais
Louis A.Atiles-Thillet (ESC-53)
Samedi 14 Novembre 2009
Hello, my ancestor Arnaud Thillet and Jeanne Délos were members of the Paroisse Saint Laurent -du-Bois en Bazadais in the years 1750. I am making a reasearch of my family and I wish to obtain photos and additional information about the Eglise Saint Laurent-du-Bois en Bazadais. I will appreciate very much your help.
Wonderful, I hope I could visit sometime in the future this place. My ancestors Monsieur Michel Thillet Délos came from Bordeaux, France, but his parents Monsieur Arnaud Thillet and Madame Jeanne Délos were members from the Paroisse Saint Laurent-du-Bois en Bazadais. If you have additional photos of the Eglise Saint Laurent en Bazadais and you do not mind sending them to me, I will really appreciate it. Thanks.
Commentaire à la photo: http://www.saintlaurent.info/photos/029-SL96-A-jpg_gp308798.html